Blister Pack Medications
Blister pack medications, also known as bubble pack medication, is a convenient and safe medication packaging. At Surlang Pharmacy, we use a medication blister pack called Pill Pak. Pill Pak is easily legible, with simple visual clues to assist in identifying which medications to take at what time.
Why Use Pill Pack?

Complying with the directions of your prescription medicines is an important part of maintaining your health.
With today’s busy lifestyles, remembering whether or not you took your medications, or, if you took the right ones at the right time can be difficult to do.
How can I get my medication in blister packs?
We will refill your blister pack prescriptions here in our pharmacy. Simply call or visit in person.
We can do your refill weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly in consultation with your health care professional (physician/pharmacist) and discuss your medication effectiveness and how your health is progressing.
Travel Friendly Blister Packaging
Another option is a travel-friendly blister pack that has perforations which allow you to remove individual dosage cells without the use of scissors, for greater portability and convenience. For your safety and information each cell contains the name of all the medications contained within it.
You can count on the team at Surlang Pharmacy, as your community pharmacist, to help you achieve your lifestyle and health goals through the provision of services like Pill Pak.